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Home » The Most Haunted Places in America You Won’t Believe!

The Most Haunted Places in America You Won’t Believe!

We are talking about America’s most haunted places. Some of them have movies made about them, while others, well, they have only creepy stories.

Being the history enthusiast that I am, I have always wanted to know what the most haunted spots around the country are. Today, I am going to walk you through a few that gave me chills.

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking, “Ghosts, really? ” I get it, the skeptics out there, the scientists, and super smart folks that leave those “wonderful” comments aren’t convinced. Here is the thing, though-I do believe in ghosts, and I have had my own little run-ins with them. No, I didn’t see anything float, but let me tell you, walking into a building and getting that cold shiver across your body.

yeah, that’s enough for me to believe.

Amityville Horror House

Amityville Horror House
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Let’s start with one of the big ones: the Amityville Horror House. We all know it. The infamous house in Amityville, New York, was steeped in legendary lore. On November 13, 1974, Ronald DeFeo Jr. shot and killed six members of his family while they slept.

Amityville Horror House
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With a rifle in hand, he simply went from room to room and murdered his parents, two sisters, and two brothers. That’s wild to conceive, but you know what’s creepier?

He literally said that he heard voices telling him to do it. Yeah, he later said that he was high on heroin and drunk, but still-voices? That’s some horror movie stuff.

Amityville Horror House
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George and Kathy Lutz purchased the house a year later. They lasted a total of 28 days before abandoning it, leaving all their belongings behind.

They claimed that the house was haunted by demons. Green slime, cold spots, strange voices-it all sounds like the script of a movie, but they swore it happened. George even woke up at 3:15 a.m. every night, the time when DeFeo committed the murders. That’s eerie.

Amityville Horror House
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Robert the Doll in Key West, Florida

Let’s get to something a little different-Robert the Doll in Key West, Florida. Now, this isn’t exactly a haunted house, but wherever this creepy doll goes, some pretty weird things follow.

Robert the Doll was given to a young boy named Robert Eugene Otto in the early 1900s by his family’s servant, who was rumored to practice black magic. Yeah, you can see where this is going..

Robert the Doll in Key West, Florida
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This doll was treated by this boy, Eugene, as his best friend. But then, along the line, weird things started to happen: destroyed toys, trashed rooms, and screaming Eugene would wake up, pointing fingers of accusation at Robert for everything.

Even when he had grown older, even into an adult, Eugene was making claims this doll was imbued with supernatural powers. After he died, Robert the Doll was passed around, ending up in a museum, where people visiting still claim it moves, laughs, and causes trouble with their electronic gear.

Letters people write even apologize to Robert, asking for forgiveness after disrespecting the doll. Spooky, right?

Robert the Doll in Key West, Florida (1)
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Mystery House of Winchester in San Jose, California

Another well-known haunted place is the Mystery House of Winchester in San Jose, California. The place is nuts.

Sarah Winchester, left behind by the man responsible for the Winchester rifle, claimed to be haunted by spirits of those killed by that same rifle her family produced, and that those spirits would only leave her alone if she kept building her house non-stop.

Mystery House of Winchester in San Jose, California
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The construction lasted for 38 years, and the house started to take on this really bizarre maze, where staircases go into nothing, doors open into walls, and you look through windows into other rooms. It is said that she held séances to make out what to build next. And here is a kicker: she never stopped until she died.

Yet, the house is still there, full of ghost stories. You’ll hear heavy footsteps, whispers, and ghostly apparitions roaming the corridors. Some even say they have been touched by incurable hands. You know, it is a real horror movie set.

Villisca Axe Murder House

Last but not least, Villisca Axe Murder House in Iowa rounds out our list. The brutal murder of an axe to asleep-sleeping occurred there in 1912 to the Moore family and two of its guests.

Mystery House of Winchester in San Jose, California
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To this day, the murderer was never found. Nowadays, it is one of the ghost-hunters’ favorite places. People who visit report hearing children voice, see shadowy figures, and even feel like they’ve been pushed or scratched by invisible forces.

Imagine walking into a room, knowing that’s where a family was murdered, and then you hear the disembodied voices calling for help. That’s some next-level haunting.

There you have it, folks, just a few of America’s most haunted places. Don’t believe in ghosts? Well, find a way the stories linger on. Something about these locations-haunted or not-just makes you think about how you have walked through an empty house at night.

And who knows? Maybe one day you’ll find yourself in one of these places, wondering if that chill in the air is just the wind. or something else.

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